Sleep Medicine
SLEEP LABoratory Maitland
Maitland Private Hospital, 173 Chisholm Road
If you are uninsured you may pay to have the relevant tests performed in hospital. We do not charge any fee as we bulk bill the test. You will have to pay the hospital the cost of the bed stay which is approximately $700.00. Having an inpatient test at the John Hunter Hospital is also a possibility and where there will be no charge, although the wait time may be longer.
If you have an inpatient sleep study the following information will be sent to you;
Arrival Time Night Study - you will need to be at the hospital at 7.00pm for your night time sleep study. It will finish at approximately 7.00 am the next day. Please phone the hospital on 4933 8400 if you are going to be late.
Night Study + MSLT - You will need to be at the hospital at 7pm for your night study. The next day will be your MSLT day test and this will be finished by approximately 3.30pm-4.30pm or 5.30pm if a 5th test is required.
Night Study + MWT - You will need to be at the hospital at 7pm for your night study. The next day will be your MWT day test and this will be finished by approximately 3.30pm.
Arrival Time Day Study Private MWT - If you are having a private MWT you will need to be at the hospital at 7.30am and will be finished by approximately 3.30pm.
Day Tests Available at Maitland
Maintenance of Wakefulness Test
In most cases you will have spent the night prior being studied in hospital. Through the day usually at 8.30, 10.30, 12.30 and 2.30pm you will be asked to sit by your bed in a dark room with no book, activity, phone or device and to stay awake for a period of 40 minutes.
Multiple Sleep Latency Test
In most cases you will have spent the night prior being studied in hospital. Through the day usually at 8.30am, 10.30am, 12.30pm and 2.30pm you will be asked to go to bed and sleep. You are monitored to see if you do sleep and how quickly you fall asleep. If you do sleep you will be woken after a total of 15 minutes from when you fell asleep.
If ever a staff member is concerned about your ability to drive after a day test they will suggest you organise a lift home. It is often best to do this prior to the day in case you are thought to be at risk to drive.
Please bring:
Pyjamas or a nightgown, not satin. You may prefer casual clothing for example loose shorts or pants and a t-shirt. Please do not purchase anything specifically. You are welcome to bring your own pillow.
Medications required during your stay, and a full list of your medications.
Medical aids or equipment you regularly use (eg walking stick, glucometer, nebulizer)
Toiletries including shampoo. Please note you may need to allow extra time to shower following your study to shampoo your hair and remove electrode paste.
Bring your Medicare/DVA card. We will send your referral letter to the hospital.
Other notes:
You will need to have your own dinner prior to your admission.
The night technician will arrive at 7.30pm and collect you from the waiting room sometime soon after. Nursing staff will perform an admission either while you are waiting for the technician to arrive or soon after.
Please wash and dry your hair before coming in for the study and do not apply hairspray or makeup or moisturisers of any kind.
If you usually shave please shave prior to coming in.
During the daytime tests you will have several tests. Between tests you may read or watch television. Drug testing is an integral part of the protocol for a day test.
If having a daytime test please do not consume caffeine from 12 midnight the night before the test.
If you are found to be too sleepy to drive home from the day test we require you to make alternative arrangements for transport home. It may be best to organise this transport prior as a precaution.
Please note the hospital is an alcohol free zone. No alcohol whatsoever may be consumed on hospital premises.
The hospital is also a smoke free zone. Please organise alternatives eg nicotine patches.
Acrylic nails are to be avoided if possible as a natural nail allows for a better recording of the oxygen level during the test.
DVA patients please note if you book a hire car to get you to Maitland Private Hospital you will need to pre book a car for 8am the following morning to take you home again. If you are having a daytime test as well as the night test pre book your pick up for 5.30pm.
The billing for your studies will be directly debited to your health fund who in turn will directly credit us therefore avoiding the need for you to submit any accounts to the health fund or Medicare. Your health fund will notify you by letter of any payment made to us by them.
Additional Information:
Before completing admission forms please check with your health fund if you're fully covered or have an excess to pay. The item numbers to quote whilst checking with your health fund are outlined in the table below. Your test has been highlighted. Some health funds will ask if we charge above the schedule fee and the answer is no.
Please be aware that parking fees apply at Maitland Private Hospital. On street parking is free. Do allow enough time either way to make your appointment on time.
If you need to cancel your studies you must contact Sleep Medicine on 4942 2457. We will notify the hospital.